[Source] Intaglio

I am looking for a source for intaglios, either glass, or semi
preciouce stones such as lapis, carnelian, chalcodony. If anyone can
help me I would greatly apppreciate it!! Dawn

Hi Dawn Avalon in Gainesville has lots of 1930’s glass
intaglios…352-379-1272. They also do mail order. Susan Chastain

Hi! I am also looking for a source of intaglios in all the same
materials as you mentioned, but I am needing horses on them. As
inexpensive as possible. (of course) Thanks, Rebeca

HI Dawn I have a quantity of intaglios mainly in black agate and
carnelian cut with the Greek head in sizes 8x6 to21x18 plus alot of
oddments mainly in black with eagles,initials,zodiac etc.If you
require something a bit different try Hong Kong or Idar.For glass
intaglios try a firm called Aquileia they are in Vicenza
fax39/444/544877 ? In Hong Kong Forest Hill fax852/2764/5084 make
some nice rock crystal back cut stones. If you require any more help
E-mail @ @David_Sheard

David Sheard