[Source] I'm searching for a beadcap


I need three beadcaps to finish a design I have been working on.

I used Rio Grande’s Britania Pewter cap. It is called Jasmine in
last years catalogue. Number 681-600. It is the gold tone cap. When I
called an order in this week I was told that the gold tone has been
discontinued. I’m betting someone out there has some. I will be happy
to pay you whatever you think is a fair price.

These caps are going into a rose petal bead necklace. It’s taken me
three years and many failures to learn how to make them. You can see
ther is alot invested in this project.

I am new to orchid. Looking forward to getting to know you. Thank

Thanks in advance,
alias Nancy Skinner

You may want to take a look at Rio’s website
“Britannia Antique gold-plated Jasmine Bead Cap”


Good luck!