[Source] Groved Cabs

I saw some cabs at a show that had a grove cut around the
circumference. Does anyone know of a source?

Dear Charles, The only source I know is a rock shop here in Florida.
Here goes: William Harris rock shop, 1118 Snead Ave., Sarasota,
Florida 34237 (941)366-6608

Bill is very hard of hearing, but wife Hilda has alot of grooved cabs
and can help you over the phone. She is from Peru and gets the
grooved stones there, as they use them for wirewrap. Her cryscolla is
very nice. Please note that most of her grooved stones are teardrop
shaped. Hope this helps, Suzanne

Charles, I saw your request on the Orchid List. I run a lapidary in
Sri Lanka and I have the necessary tools and the expertise to cut
grooves on the pavilion of stones. I fabricated a special machine to
undertake this work as I had some orders from a Class Ring
Manufacturer. I worked the grooves on synthetics.

Please let me know more details about your interest as I can supply
these items for you. However since its a time consuming process I
would like to accept only if the order is regular as I have to have a
dedicated cutter for this.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards.
Yath M Iqbal