Hello everyone! I make chain mail armor since 1995 and since I got out
of jewelry school, I use my galvanized steel jump rings for making
different types of chains. The only book that I could find was one
suggested by my teacher, “The Complete Metalsmith” by Tim McCreight.
There are several types of chains, but too many are to be made with
precious metal or at least a kind of metal with enough malleability
to be bent or stretched in ovals. I can make these types of chains
but I’d like to find new ways to use my steel jump rings.
If any of you knows of a good book on chain making with round jump
rings, let me know. I need the title, the author and the editing
company, because I think I’ll have to order it.
Dear Benoit, A fun little book is Great Wire Jewelry by Irene From
Peterson. It’s a Lark Book, ISBN 1-57990-093-3. It has easy to read
illustrations for chain mail necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.
There are some knitted chains also which can be fun.
Two resources: Lark Books at http://www.larkbooks.com and contact the
Society of Creative Anachronisms at http://www.sca.org The SCA members
have many online chain mail patterns and people willing to share
their info.
Stark & Josephine Reist Smith 1999 published by Brynmorgen Press An
extremely well illustrated book on chainmaking. Jean also holds
classes non chainmaking,granulation, and other ancient metal arts.
Thomas Blair
Benoit, I don’t know of a specific book but Oppi Untracht’s book,
“Jewelry Concepts and Technology”, Doubleday, has a section on Chain
Mail. It is probably the most comprehensive book of its kind and, I
think, should be in every metalsmiths library.
Benoit, My name is john gillis, i have a store in northport al. I may
have a recomendation you allready know about. Have you the tried the
SCA. the society for creative anachroism. I know i spelled that last
worsd wrong but you get the idea. feel free to e mail me if you dont
know who they are. peace, John
Benoit, I had the pleasure of meeting Tim McCreight in Tucson this
year. He’s actually at work researching a book on chains and
chainmaking at the moment. You might want to get a hold of him and ask
him what he’s come across so far in his research. His book is still
in the making, I believe, and will be for awhile.
Hello Benoit! I highly recommend the book"Classical loop in loop
chains and their derivatives".(Brynmorgen Press)Authors are Jean
Reist Stark & Josephine Reist Smith;although they refer to precious
metal for the fabrication of the chains,you could possibly find some
par(review:www.lapidaryjournal.com/books/classicalloop.cfm).There are
also references to chains and chain-mail in Oppi Untracht’s"Jewelry
Concepts&Technology"and in Alan Revere’s"Professional Goldsmithing".
Good luck Sigrid
"Great Wire Jewelry" by Irene From Peterson
(c) 1998 Lark Books ISBN 1-57990-093-3
Hardcover, 60p, $US 14.95
1(800) 284-3388
Don’t be misled by its title – it’s actually a book about
chain-making using two different techniques: 1) chains utilizing
round unsoldered rings, including chain mail and 2) “Viking knitting”
(the chains are knit/braided/twisted with a single continuous length
of wire.)
Ms. Peterson studied and then re-created Viking-era chains and chain
mail – very cool. The instructions and accompanying illustrations
are extremely clear and well-written.
I’ve had (and am continuing to have!) a lot of fun with this book.
If you go to www.sblades.com, they used to have an on-line demo page.
Also, if you contact the owner, she will probably be more than happy
to help you out. She has been making chainmail for at least 12
Hi Benoit, Another book on chain making you might find interesting is
‘Chain Making - Link by Link’ by Jeanne McAninch (jmcaninch@aol.com).
The book contains about 50 chain patterns & some ancillary info. It’s
about $35.00. I think Rio Grande may carry it, if not contact the
Just got a peek at a new book this week: Making Silver Chains by Glen
F Waszek The ISBN is 1-57990-183-2 It has lots of different chains -
many require soldering. Regards,
Hello again Benoit! You may also have a look at Arline Fisch’s
book"Textile Techniques in Metal",maybe there are some interesting
parts for you. Best Sigrid