[Source] 14k Tuxedo studs

Help! I’m in need of 14k tuxedo studs. I did find some at Frei and
Borel but thought that they were rather pricey. I couldn’t find them
in Rio’s catalog, any suggestions? Thank you so much!!!

Lisa Hawthorne
2004 Niche Award Winner :slight_smile:

Try Larter and Sons (http://www.larter.com ) Although they are not
shown on their website, they are manufacturers of this type product.

Hi Lisa,

Have you considered making them yourself? I’ve done a couple sets in
sterling, with 8mm round black onyx stones. All you need is the
stones, 8mm bezel cups, metal disks about 10 mm for the back (anchor
inside the shirt) and round material for the shank. I used 6 or 8 ga
round wire for the sterling shanks, but thought I’d use tubing if I
ever did them in gold. That would save on weight/cost. You can
probably purchase the disks already cut (punched) in the diameter you
would need. Cut sections of tube about 5mm long, solder to the center
of the disk, and solder a bezel cup on top. With careful setup, you
might be able to do both solder jobs at the same time.

Because the tubing is hollow, I would probably drill the center
point of the bezel cup, rather than just mark it for positioning of
the tube. That will allow steam pressure building up inside the tube
to vent. The hole would not be visible when the stone is set.

I always thought a set of gold and lapis shirt studs/cufflinks would
be nice! Full circle back to the “men’s jewelry” thread! :slight_smile:

All the best,

Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio
Charlotte, NC (USA)

I know Stuller has them, I don’t know how their prices compare, but
I appreciate that you can purchase just the parts you need i.e.
springs, when the time comes to repair them.
