Soldering, Hand-eye coordination

Hello, Everybody,

I don’t know if anyone else has tried this, but what helped me with
soldering was doing lampworked beads. Developing an eye for glass
viscosity in different parts of the flame helped me learn how to
angle the torch for delicate soldering applications. Plus, I guess
the hand-eye coordination practice didn’t hurt either. It was an
unexpected crossover benefit!

Has anyone else had something like that happen? Where one interest
ended up helping out another?


Has anyone else had something like that happen? Where one interest
ended up helping out another...... 

Very definitely - I studied graphic art and commercial art
throughout my university days and painted in oils and acrylics for
many years before being introduced to the metal working scene. I
would definitely say the skill of layout and color combinations and
the sense of balance in design have definitely carried over into my
design work. Plus all those hand/eye skills I learned not only as a
do-it-yourselfer growing up, but also in sports activities all
contributed to my comfort in working with metal. I can hardly imagine
anyone working in the field of jewelry who does not connect the dots
to past skill training in all directions.


Yes I am finding out as I get further into working with silver and
metals that when I apply the torch I can pick up the color changes.

As a chef and a natural saucier I cooked by feel and sight and
smell. If you ask me when is it done my answer is when it looks
right. I am learning to spot subtle color changes. I guess when it
comes to fluids be they edible or molten metal I have a natural knack

An American Cameo Artist