Solder placement

The most helpful tip I got regarding soldering was to wave your
flame on and off the piece. Dont just heat the piece continually
-if you waft your flame on and off the piece it allows the whole
piece to come to the proper temperature at the same time and the
solder flows very nicely.

Jennifer, it isn’t that good for silver to be heated slowly. In
fact, it facilitates the buildup of firescale. I relate the size
of the flame to the size of the piece and keep the hottest point
of the flame on the metal. I do keep it moving and I use wire
solder with a Presto-lite setup.If you’re working with gold or
oxygen, disregard my because I don’t know how I would
work with that combination.

Marilyn Smith

In regaurds to doing silver work. I always had good luck with
having the piece on a tripod on a heat wire grid, I could heat
the silver from the bottom and get little heat absortion from the
ceramic pad that I use for gold.
