SNAG 5280-2002 is in MileHi Denver June 12 =96 15. As metalsmiths
gather from around the world, we have a fabulous opportunity to
learn from the best of the best. Colorado Metalsmiths Association
has arranged workshops both before and after the conference. Join
us, it will be great fun.
Pre Conference
Michael Boyd, 'Integration and Fabrication with Stone and Metal'
Andy Cooperman, 'Spontaneous Departures and Imaginative Captures'
Lee Marshall, 'Basic Hydraulic Die Forming'
Phil Poirer, 'Deep Draw Method of Raising: Developing Volume and Form'
Elliott Pujol, 'Investigation of Tube Forming'
Susan Kasson Sloan, 'EPOXY RESIN:Creating with Color'
Rodney Wood, 'Creativity'
Valentin Yotkov, 'Chasing and Repousse'
Post Conference
Giovanni Corvaja, 'Working with Platinum in Handmade Jewelry'
Jack Da Silva, 'Serves you Right:Flatware of the Millennia'
Bobby Hansson, 'Tin Can Artwork'
Charles Lewton-Brain, 'Fold-Forming'
Phil Poirer, 'Deep Draw Method of Raising: Developing Volume and Form'
Susan Wood, 'Boxes-Construction, Hinges and Catches'
For detailed go to