Small parallel files for making hinge seats

Just a quick heads up for those who are looking for this elusive
creature. Progress Tools ( has them in a variety
of sizes. They are called something like " joint edge file". For
some reason they are not in the online catalog, or at least I
couldn’t find them, but they are available. Progress also caries a
really GREAT selection of fancy shaped mandrel for bezels, etc…

Hope this is of use to others.

Margaret (who is eagerly awaiting her new files)

Just a quick heads up for those who are looking for this elusive
creature. Progress Tools ( has them in a variety
of sizes. 

the correct address appears to be

These small files are available from Frei and Borel in Oakland, and
they come in two styles: ‘Joint Edge’ files are parallel flat files
(like an equaling file) with round edges, item # 131.537 to 131.546.
‘Crochet’ files are flat files with round edges, which taper to a
point (like a barrette file) item # 131.047 to 131.054. Each style
is available in different lengths and cuts (coarse to fine).

Michael David Sturlin