Looking to buy new or rebuilt steamer, old dragon is going heaven.Anyone have a favorite make?Don’t Want to spend for the top of line. I’m not a heavy user but when I need it I need it.
Stuller has some scratch and dent ones…… if you have an interest
Andy the Tool Guy
Director Tools Business
800-877-7777 Ext 4194
Thanks Andy,I didn’t know will check out.
You call me I and I can give the information , and price
Andy the Tool Guy
Director Tools Business
800-877-7777 Ext 4194
Thank You! Andy the tool guy, I am so happy with my steamer and for this forum.I so appreciate Ganoksin, been lurking since it started.
You are welcome I do have more . if anyone is interested
Andy the Tool Guy
Director Tools Business
800-877-7777 Ext 4194