Shiny silicone?

What are the factors that make the interior of a vulcanizer silicone
mold shiny or matt? Some of mine are turning out beautifully shiny,
others rather dull.

Is it the condition of the metal model? Is it temperature or

I’m using an older model vulcanizer and have used a thermometer to
adjust the dial settings appropriately.

Elaine Luther
Chicago area, Illinois, USA
Metalsmith, Certified PMC Instructor
Studio 925; established 1992

Dear Ms. Luther,

It's the surface finish of model that you are making a mold of. If

it is shiny, the pattern imprint inside of the mold will be shiny.
If it is dull, the pattern imprint will be dull. Dull in, dull out;
shiny in, shiny out.

Michael Knight, CASTALDO

What are the factors that make the interior of a vulcanizer
silicone mold shiny or matt?  Some of mine are turning out
beautifully shiny, others rather dull. 

Good morning Elaine. The condition of the model determines whether
you end up with a very shiny mold pattern. Vulcanizing silicones are
great at copying the finish of your model. There is the outside
chance that you have a bad batch of rubber, but that is highly
unlikely. Make sure the manufacturer of the rubber is in the USA.

A good shiny model will give you a very nice shiny wax. You will
then invest it and the grain structure of the investment will
determine the finish of your casting. There is nothing you can do
with a wax that will change the finish imparted upon your piece by
the investment. (short of using a wax full of pinholes and bumps)

So, use your dull waxes and shiny waxes and don’t worry. Put one of
each on the same tree and examine the castings closely. Any

Good luck.
Bill Mull

Zero-D Products, Inc.
38285 North Lane. #103
Willoughby, OH 44094 USA
fax 440 942 2130