Shameless plug

The holiday season is hard upon us and now is the time that the
ultrasonic cleaners are used more frequently. If you have a unit
that needs repair, I have a very limited number of (4) loaner units
available while we fix your machine. NEWS! We are now able to repair
Foredom handpieces and bench lathes.

Mike & Dale
The ultrasonic repair guys
18415 Fifth Street
San Antonio, TX 78266

Hey Mike -

How can I confirm conclusively whether my (used) ultrasonic unit is
working properly?


There’s a simple test to see if an ultrasonic is performing properly.
Smooth out a piece of aluminum foil, about 3 inches wide and 6-8
inches long and immerse it in the ultrasonic, holding one end and
sinking the other end down not quite to the bottom of the sonic.
After about a minute, lift it out and you should see many tiny pin
holes in the foil. Not scientific, but good for a general indication
it’s working.

David L. Huffma

Dave, thanks for the reply…obviously you HAVE to send it to me for
a complete physical (GRIN!!!) Fill the tank to about 1 inch of the
top rim with your normal soapy water solution or what ever aqueous
solution you use. Be sure it is a clean solution! Take a piece of
"Reynolds Wrap" aluminum foil about 1 inch shorter than the long axis
of the tank and long enough so you can hold it in the solution about
1/2-1 inch from the bottom of the tank. For a 3 quart unit, a piece of
typewriter paper sized foil should do the trick. If the solution is
freshly made allow the unit to run for about 5-7 minutes to de-gas the
solution. When this is accomplished with the machine running, lower
the foil to about 1/2-1 inch from the bottom and do not let the foil
touch the ends or sides of the tank. Let the foil in the running
tank for 30 seconds and remove. Look at the “dent and hole” pattern
on the foil. If the surface of the foil is about 90% dented or has
dents and holes ( no chads) G your machine is about as good as it
needs to be. In the case of a machine with two or more transducers and
one of them or the circuit that powers that transducer happens to be
out the pattern will be asymmetrical, in which case that is were we
step in and fix your machine. That is about the best test you can do
in the field and is a pretty accurate guide as to the health of your
ultrasonic. Without a oscilloscope and other test equipment there is
nothing you can do the “conclusively test” an ultrasonic. I hope that
helps. Best holiday wishes

Mike Fritz
Lone Star Technical Service