Setting trade description

Hi all, I was following a post on another forum…a gentleman was abit
unh appy with a channel ring he purchased from a larger company which
had round diamonds set with a slight gap between stones (he expected
them touching). After a while the vendor explained the reason was to
do with the casting process…(set in wax i presume). I decided
to explain briefly the setting in wax process,which i think shocked a
few people who had similar products and were admiring the
craftmanship of the setting! Just wondered if it would be fair for
retailers and manufacturers to specify wether stones are set by hand
or cast? Seems like alot of people are being mis-informed or rather
unimformed as to what they are getting. It only bothers mebecause i’m
a stonesetter myself and get abit annoyed with all this wax setting
taking away good work…

Chris Mead.

Greetings Chris

Your point is extremely valid and I support the idea of
differentiating. Not only does it help foster appreciation for the
type (or at least this one type) of work you do, it also allows
consumers to understand cost and value.

Kind Regards,
Jeanette Kekahbah
diamond/gem/jewelry trade

Chris Mead

Don’t be too disappointed, its because one day in the not so far
future…the masses will wake up and decide which is far better. I
suppose ‘here and now’, the hand-setters will never be out of a
setting job. The customers will lean very quickly towards
hand-setting. People will forgive the higher pricing, in lieu of the
fast “cast in wax” stuff that abounds the mediocre jewellery outlets.
As for my style of setting all of my stones are touching
"girdle-to-girdle", to me there is no other way. Never mind how other
stones are set, maintain your dignity my good friend, and stick with
what you have been learning.

Bye the way, did I ever send you my compilation of diamond setting
