Does anyone sell one-of-a-kinds at wholesale ‘order only’ shows? I
was wondering what the buyer views at the show.
If you sell production pieces, you bring samples. The buyer chooses
from the samples and they know exactly what they are getting in their
order when they receive it. But if you’re selling one-of-a-kinds,
what are you bringing to the show? Are you bringing a large inventory
and the buyer buys the piece that is there, and then you put their
name on it and ship it to them after the show? Or are you showing
samples of your style of work?
I do know that buyers will order consignment based on viewing
samples - they say: send me x amount in this general style and price
range. But if they are buying outright, does it work the same way?
Hi Laurie,
Does anyone sell one-of-a-kinds at wholesale 'order only' shows?
I don’t do wholesale shows myself, but since I haven’t noticed any
other responses to your questions… I do know several jewelers who
sell one-of-a-kind work at such shows, so here are some second-hand
answers to your questions.
Are you bringing a large inventory and the buyer buys the
piece that is there, and then you put their name on it and ship it
to them after the show?
Yes, for the most part, that’s how they do it. One jeweler I know
brings 200-300 pieces to wholesale shows and that’s what she sells.
With trusted customers, she also sends out “pick boxes” =AD
selections of work for the customer to select from; they send back
the pieces they don’t want and a check for those they’re keeping.
It would be difficult, though not impossible, to sell one-of-a-kind
via samples since the samples, by definition, would be different from
the ordered pieces. However, when a customer knows your type of work
well, and it is stylistically consistent, it can be done. This can
only work after you’ve established yourself with the customer, of
course, so your initial sale of one-of-a-kind work pretty much has to
consist of the final pieces.
Hope this helps.
Beth Rosengard
I am very interested in how others do this as well and have been
waiting to hear any tips or suggestions from the group. Does anyone
have experience selling one-of-a-kind at wholesale shows/events?