I would like to know the salry range of a experienced diamond setter
and mold maker.
The web page was interesting and informative.
I would like to know the salry range of a experienced diamond setter
and mold maker.
The web page was interesting and informative.
Dear Vlynn, In the Midwest (Minnesota) the rate for a good diamond
setter is about $20.00 per hour plus benefits. The benefit would
include approximately two weeks paid vacation, paid medical coverage,
some sick days every year and perhaps profit sharring.You would have
to be proficient in prong, plate, channel and bezel setting. And you
get to live in a great state with lots of lakes, parks, bike trails,
wilderness areas and a health economy (unemployment is about 3%). And
we have Jesse Ventura a former All Star Wrestler as our Independece
Party Governor!
TR the Teacher,
Todd Hawkinson
Well Vlynn01: Of course it is gonna matter where you live and the cost
of living there “we hope”. Jewelers circular keystone said that the
average pay for a bench jeweler last year was around $35,000 a year I
think. When you say mold maker I take it you mean carving
waxes??custom work??
I wish I made $35,000 a year but sometimes the money don’t come till
later. I also live in one of the lowest cost of living areas there is.
I would suggest, if at all possible, to start video taping everything
you make. It is a great way to have record of your workmanship. I have
taken video of every custom job I have done for the last 2 years and
posted many of them to my free web site. As a jeweler it is hard to
prove your “starting pay” worth without some kinda proof.
If you get a commission type job then it is up to you how much you
Michael R. Mathews Sr.