Hello Anyone, I have about 2,000 lb. of rough pietersite in my
warehouse. The weight is ranged from 90 lb. each to 400 lb each. My
customer only need small pieces. Could you please suggest anyone who
can cut those big pieces into small pieces?
Tom, Here is the name of a dealer I think could Tom - contact Bruce
Caminiti in North Carolina. I believe he could - 828-648-2036 Michael
Caldwell in Idaho - 208-634-3926
Hi Tom, Try contacting Vaugh Nagel (gems24@prodigy.net) or Thom Lane
(lanelap@shore.net; 508-283-5758). Contact info on Thom is aging…
may not be current. His previous Web URL is now defunct. Email address
for Vaughn is good… just had email from him last night… and I know
he deals in Pietersite!
Good luck,
Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio and
Carolina Artisans’ Gallery
Charlotte, NC (USA) dave@sebaste.com