Hello All: Coming up in February of next year in Arizona is the Rio
Grande Catalog in motion. From the brochure it looks like a very
informative weekend. I am thinking of going. Anyone been? There are
hands on classes that cost money and lectures that are free.
Ive been going to the ‘Masters in Motion’ portion of the show for 2
years now, (the free classes) and I have learned LOTS. I fit the
gem shopping in around the lectures, because the makes my
trips worthwhile. karen
I went to the Catalog in Motion about five years ago and spent an
afternoon in tool heaven. I don’t know if it’s set up differently
now but, at that time, there was a very large room arranged with rows
of stations for particular procedures or techniques. So you could
hang out at the polishing station, for instance, and try out all
kinds of buffs, compounds, etc. Or you could spend time watching an
engraving demonstration or soldering equipment, and on and on. It
was terrific. Very informal and very informative.
If there were actual classes back then I wasn’t aware of them so I
can’t advise in that regard but the Catalog in Motion in general is a
terrific way to try out a multitude of tools and learn techniques
without investing a dime, let alone a fortune. Well worth the time.
Hi Michael, I have attended the last three Rio Grande shows. I have
never had the time to attend the seminars which require a
registration fee. My focus is on getting to all of my favorite shows.
The value of the Rio shows for me has been in saving up questions on
tools I was thinking of buying and then getting the answers at the
show. The different manufacturers represented by Rio send factory
reps to the shows. These are folks acquainted with the technical
aspects of the tools or supplies. For instance, Rick Pihl, one of the
developers of the 3M radial discs was at the show. I had a number of
questions about the discs which he quickly answered. I also had the
chance to try them out. The ability to speak with so many experts
from all of the companies represented by Rio has been the favorite
part of their show for me.
One of my biggest chores each Feb is finding something to keep my
wife occupied for a whole day in Tucson so that I can spend a day at
“Catalog in Motion”. I love it. It is a great opportunity to try out
toys -err, I mean tools- that I have on my wish list so that I can
make certain every item is in the correct priority. It is a wonderful
chance to watch tools and/or techniques I hadn’t known I was
interested in. They always have a sale room that is fun to run
through with a little extra cash. I have only attended their free
workshops but found them worth every penny:) No really, time is
precious in Tucson and the set up they have for the free workshops is
pretty good. I recommend the event for anyone who is into tools. It
is worth visiting even if you con only spare an hour or so to run
through the rooms.
Epaul Fischer
Gryphon Song Creations GryphonSong.com
in Phoenix AZ - where the weathermen keep showing us thermometers
with ice on them because it’s abnormally cold (60 degrees F @ 3AM)