Rhino 4.0

I’m on the verge of finally going to CAD design, and have pretty
much narrowed the options to the Rhino system.

Now I understand they’re coming out soon with a new version, Rhino
4.0. They claim it’s considerably more “user-friendly”. Does
anyone have any knowledge of this? If it’s only slightly improved,
I would go ahead now with the current version and classes. If it’s
really totally redesigned, as they’re implying, I will probably wait
for the 4.0 version, and start with it from the get-go.

I’m hoping there’s an Orchidian out there who has some inside info
on the situation, who will get us all up to speed about the new
Rhino 4.0 and the realistic time-frame for it’s debut.

Thanks again for this wonderful, enriching forum.


I have used the current version with no training, only following
some manuals, if it can be more user friendly and easier to use and
you can wait, I would say wait. That is if you can still be making
money and not relying on this technology.

As a bonus you will be trained on the new version too, so no need to
relearn any interfaces / menus / shortcuts / how it works etc. My 2

Paul De Audney.

see: http://www.rhino3d.com/nr.htm


   I'm hoping there's an Orchidian out there who has some inside
info on the situation, who will get us all up to speed about the
new Rhino 4.0 and the realistic time-frame for it's debut. 


Version 4 of Rhino is currently a work in progress. It is not even
in alpha testing as yet. As a user of Rhino 3, one can download the
newer versions as through beta testing. Further, I believe that
version 4 will be offered to current 3.0 users at a reduced rate when
it is first released. BTW, version 4 won’t be released for another
year or so yet.
