I have created a web page on Squidoo that is all about photograpy of
jewelry, glass, silver, beads and other small objects.
I describe my photo set-up and link to the equipment I use and lots
of sources of good stuff. This has a lot of info and I update it
Check it out at: http://www.squidoo.com/photographicjewelry/
Hopefully this may be useful for some of you. I would love it if any
of you can send me some info on good jewelry photographers that I
could add to my resource area on this page.
Many thanks, Gareth Eckley
February 27, 2007, 11:47am
Ganoksin has a lot to offer on the subject:
Tips from The Jeweler’s bench Library > Jewelry Photography
Whether through websites, social media, or print catalogs, your jewelry photography connects you to customers. Learn to make the best use of images.
Ganoksin’s Guide to Industry Web Sites > Services > Photography
I have put together a blog post on jewelry photography:
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And there is a photograph of my first light box, which was made out
of foam core.
Elaine Luther
Metalsmith, Certified PMC Instructor
http://www.CreativeTextureTools.com ™
Hard to Find Tools for Metal Clay
Thank you Elaine - this is wonderful and put so neatly
in one place for everyone to benefit from!!!