I would really like to upgrade the packaging for completed repairs.
I’ve been looking but not finding something suitable. Requirements
would be
flap box or very sturdy wallet, slip it in pocket or purse.
padded a great plus. secure closure a must.
size range to fit small and large jewelry items
tastefully styled
available in relatively small lots. I have no way to store 1,000
pcs so if you run across something that fits the bill, please let us
Hi Neil,
I would really like to upgrade the packaging for completed repairs.
You might try ULINE (uline.com). They are a provider of many types
of packaging products. Their prices & service are very good.
Usual disclaimers, just a very satisfied customer.
We wrapped each repair in tissue paper and placed that inside a
suede pull string bag. 2 different sizes. Rio Grande has the bags,
along with others.
David Geller
David Geller
510 Sutters Point
Sandy Springs, GA. 30328
(404) 255-9565