I have recently purchased a rather large lot of foil backed vintage
glass. The glass is not valuable or collectable, but nevertheless
very beautiful. I am a wire worker, and I don’t like the look of the
foil on the back of the pieces. Does anyone know how to safely
remove the foil without damaging the glass?
I am willing to experiment with a few pieces, and I would appreciate
any suggestions.
I have recently purchased a rather large lot of foil backed vintage
glass. Does anyone know how to safely
remove the foil without damaging the glass?
I buy a LOT of estate jewelry and very often remove the foil-backed
rhinestones from damaged pieces for use in repairing others. I have
had some success with dumping a batch of them into the ultrasonic with
straight industrial strength 409. After 20-30 minutes 80% or more of
the foil has floated off, and the rest comes off with rinsing or light
rubbing with your fingers. No damage to the glass at all. Perhaps
something stronger like straight Simple Green would be more
effective. Good luck.
Jim Marotti
Lancaster, TN