Relocating studio to Mexico

Dear All,

Has anyone moved their jewelry studio and personal possessions to
Mexico? Not by land or train as that method is much easier from all
the I can get. I plan to send it by sea to a port in

It seems there are so many restrictions that my tools, beads,
antiques, everything is in danger of being confiscated.

This will be my last move and had hopes of setting up a nice
jewelry/art studio to enjoy the future there.

Can anyone be of help? Has anyone done it themselves? Any thing?

With many thanks,
Sharron in Dhaka with only 4 more months to go.

Hello Sharron, I am Stephen Wyrick, CMBJ, in San Antonio, Texas.
Please, Please, Let me help you with your decisions of moving to
Mexico!!! First of all - Why?

Second - I can give you some very important that you
should have “BEFORE”, you make your move.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but if you haven’t had an unbiased
opinion, "ASK and YE SHALL RECEIVE ! Will be happy to give you the
you may need or help you in any way. Best to you and
yours, Stephen Wyrick

Dear Sharron,

How exciting! May I ask where in Mexico you are moving?

I have worked in import/export to Latin America for 12 years and
have lived in Central and South America for a total of 2 years. I
love Mexico, it is such an amazing country with a rich culture and
history, and the people are so nice! Working with them however can
get pretty interesting - have you ever watched those Mexican

Anyway, I am not familiar with importing personal items into the
country, but if I were you I would get an experienced import agent
who can handle all of the documents for you. Mexican Customs are
really picky and if you get even one detail wrong on your documents
(packing list, bill of lading, etc.), they could hold up your items
for months and you’d have to pay a lot of money to get them out.
Also, our company pays 30% duty, but that’s for cut-and-sew items.

Best of luck to you,

Hi Sharron,
I’m replying to your post about relocating to Mexico. It’s a very old post, so I’m not sure if you will even see this. I’m thinking of relocating to Mexico, at least 6 months out of the year, and I’m interested to hear what your experience was like when you relocated. Maybe we can email eachother outside this forum, if you prefer.

en primer lugar, ¿qué tal hablas español?
la mayoría de los mexicanos no hablan mucho inglés.
es necesario cierto grado de fluidez en español…si hablas español con fluidez, la vida será mucho más fácil. no dude en contestarme en español si es tan amable.

mis mejores deseos en su empeño. Espero que todo vaya bien.

as the previous post mentioned, importing personal items into Mexico can be a chore. Pickiness can be petty bureaucratic power shows… however, valuable items such as precious metals, gemstone and jewerly making equipment do need proper paperwork… Be careful of driving, and never drive after dark. Do your research on living and travelling there on line… many resources are available. Mexico is far more dangerous now than it was just 10 years ago. Drug cartel violence is affecting the daily lives of ordinary Mexicans. Crime is the number one concern on many public polls. Being fluent or having someone with you who is fluent in Spanish is invaluable.

Good luck, and have a great time…

Hola y gracias por su respuesta. Yo he vivido en Mexico y tenemos familia ahi, asi que, no me preocupa el idioma. El crimen y la seguridad si me preocupan, pero vamos a tratar de escoger un sitio con mas seguridad, y como mencione tenemos mucha familia en Mexico.

What I would like advice or information on, is how a jeweler might go about running an ecommerce jewelry business, with customers mainly in the US, while residing at least half time in Mexico. I don’t think the postal system has changed much even over the past 30 years, so I’m wondering if people in my situation might hire someone in the US or have family here who can take care of the packaging and shipping or orders, or if there is a reliable way to ship to individual customers from Mexico.


Buenos dias: aqui esta una referencia de Google AI overview. Correas de Mexico is not consider safe enough for shipping small items of value to the US, while using the USPS is considered safe for shipping items from the US to Mexico. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with Mexican customs. Customs is picky, both on the Mexican and US side. The US side worse than the Mexican side.

using UPS and FedEx in Mexico is generally considered safe; both companies- Fedex and UPS have established networks within the country, offering reliable delivery services with tracking capabilities, making them a secure option for shipping packages to and from Mexico.

Key points about using UPS and FedEx in Mexico:

  • Extensive Network:

Both companies have a large presence in Mexico with numerous delivery locations, allowing for widespread access.

  • Tracking Features:

Packages can be tracked throughout the delivery process, providing visibility and peace of mind.

  • Security Measures:

Both UPS and FedEx employ security protocols to protect packages during transit.

Important Considerations:

  • High-Risk Areas:

While generally safe, it’s still important to be aware of high-crime areas in Mexico and choose delivery addresses accordingly.

  • Customs Regulations:

Familiarize yourself with customs regulations for both the sending and receiving countries to avoid delays or issues.

Dado que va a enviar artículos pequeños de gran valor, puede ser más seguro utilizar UPS o Fedex, a pesar del mayor coste. El seguro de los artículos enviados es esencial.

¿En qué parte de México se alojará? Esto también es muy importante en relación con la delincuencia y el robo.Yo mismo quiero hacer un largo viaje por carretera a México, empezando en El Paso y bajando hasta Guatemala. La delincuencia fuera de las zonas turísticas es un gran problema. Mis amigos mexicanos me aconsejan que no viaje en coche, sino sólo en avión. También me han dicho que me limite a las zonas turísticas. Si me quedo en las zonas turísticas, mi propósito de quedarme en pueblos pequeños y aldeas donde pueda sumergirme en el español se desvanece. Hablo bien francés, pero no español, que estoy aprendiendo. Si voy a México, un amigo bilingüe tendrá que acompañarme. Podrá sacarnos de pequeños apuros y problemas. en méxico, también tenemos mucho miedo a la delincuencia, incluido el robo de coches, el secuestro, el robo de equipaje e incluso el secuestro. Qiero ir a Guatmala para comprar jade.
I don’t know how helpful this is… If you have tips on travelling by car safely, please let me know also. Gracias…