I met this woman, Wendy Torrel, last month quite casually and for a
completely different situation.
After 9/11 she wrote a children’s book, “Guardian of Dreams” to help
dispel nightmares. This is an amazing story about a Guardian Horse
who chases away nightmares. Unfortunately Sandy Hook has brought the
book back into the limelight.
She is working with grief counselers and is donating many of her
books to school and public libraries trying to help the other 500
children in the area. She is trying to provide each of those
children with their own copy.
Along those lines she is working to design a pin that may be given
to a child as a talisman as constant reinforcement to the story.
Here is a great opportunity for an Orchid member. Can you provide a
wax master of the pin portraying the horse logo? Or, do you have
casting capabilities and can provide service or a good discount?
She is hoping for donations to be able to provide more children with
the book and/or pin.
An image of the horse and all contact as well as a
youtube clip from a CNN interview can be found on the website: http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/ep7zu9
I designed a broche for an association who’s helping children all
over the world. A small number of people came to me in order to make
something special for this warm feeling, alway’s helping lady.
Belgian Association for Congenital Facial Defects, VAGA This is a
very rewarding task!
Not as much for the financial part of it, that’s just business. I
never knew that helping them with their project, gives one thatmuch
satisfactory. All the warm feelings directed (for ones !!!) towards
this nice person, all the support and help given by medicinals, the
parents who are being helped and most of all… the children as a
victim themself, that allone has more value then the payment you get
for your work, incomparable! I’ve never ever experienced a more
rewarding project.
If one can be of any help, find out yourself. That’s all I can say
about being a helping hand.
Hello All. This morning the author Wendy Torrel and I made an
agreement to move this project forward. I’m very proud to say that
I’m carving the master model for the design. It will be a talisman
for the children and parents of Sandy Hook Elementary. We will be
looking for contributions for the casting process. The wax model is
being given as a gift. Here isa link to the White Tulip Publishing
for further towards contributions and to learn about the
book. http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/ep7zuf
Thank you Orchidians… let’s make it happen! Margie Mersky of
Re Sandy hook, Newtown project. Please contact me off line as I have
many pictures I can share with you. I live in Newtown and have a
number of images I think would be inspirational. Carol Ackerman
I was so glad to see you offer to do this Margie! You do such a
wonderful job with wax models - I’m sure this will be just as
stunning as what you have done for me in the past. Kudos to you!!!
Margie Mersky is a perfect choice for this sensitive project. As I
am reading this thread, I had a thought pop up. Many cultures around
the world have a ritual of touching as they mentally go along with a
mantra, prayed, basically engaging more than one sense,
strengthening the end purpose. Of course, I am thinking about prayer
beads, rosaries, stones kept in the pocket and thumbed. What any
traumatized child may benefit from is being gifted with a talisman
and the suggestion made, "when you have a thought which brings fear
or sadness, touch this and it will bring you comfort.
With this in mind, perhaps it may be constructed in a way that it
can be touched, moved, in any way without breaking down. I came to
remember my baby locket, which I wore on a fine gold chain. I had
the habit of touching it and moving it back and forth on the chain,
eventually breaking through the jump ring. I did have a modicum of
comfort in that touch and was greatly saddened when it was no longer
I think I am being clumsy in explaining myself, but I do know the
suggestion of touch for comfort works. Think of Blankies, usually
with a satin binding, soft fuzzy animal toys or dolls. For some
children that is calming.
We’re incorporating some very special functions for the peice
Theresa. Thanks for your kind words, and watch for updates on the
special ways the talisman can be used. Margie