Problems with Lapidary Journal delivery

Dear all: This may not be the appropriate forum, and I will totally
understand if you feel that you need to delete this message, Hanuman.
That being said, here is my dilemma. I love Lapidary Journal - it’s
content and the wonderful techniques I have learned from it.
However, I have been having extensive problems with the delivery of
the magazine under my subscription - the subscription house screws up
and doesn’t send it at least 3 times a year, and when I request a
replacement copy, the usual delivery time is 6-8 weeks, pretty dismal
service given that I cannot consider that it is late until after the
15th of the month in question. I have kicked and screamed a bit
recently and gotten them to promise to first class mail the most
recent two missing editions (this after at least 5 missing/late
issues over the last two years). However, that usually constitutes
at least another week delivery time before I receive it.

My question is, are there others who are having this problem and if
so, would you be willing to email me off-list about it? If there are
a significant enough number of us having this problem from this list,
we might be able to have sufficient clout to make the corporate
offices pay attention to how badly their contracted subscription
house is doing and to effect some positive change. I am sure that
the folks who work so hard to make this great magazine don’t want to
have the contracted subscription house damage their reputation
because of the latter’s questionable performance. If you have had
repeated problems with delivery of LJ and would be willing to join an
effort to get better delivery service, please contact me at Thanks in advance! Shael Barger

hope you get this fixed, i’m in the current issue, for wire crochet
workshop, and i think a book review… i was told i would have
workshops in nov and dec too…


Have you ever considered checking how your mail delivery works? Our
mail service is supoer when our regular mailman is on the job. When
he takes a leave, however, they make an alternate deliver their share
along with ours. That is when occasionally thingsd get lost. We got a
P.O.Box and the problems are over. You might look into that. My 2
cents for what its worth. Elizabeth

Yes, I’ve experienced the same runaround, and entirely since Primedia
bought the magazine. The further it has gotten from its lapidary
roots, the greater the problems with ad rates, distribution etc. The
changes began in the mid-1980s when JEWELRY MAKING GEMS AND MINERALS
ceased publication, and thus reduced the field to Lapidary Journal
and Rock & Gem. “The marketplace is speaking.”

Jim Small
Small Wonders

The problems with the LJ are what’s in it when it comes, IMHO . . .

I think the on-line lists are doing a good job substituting for me,
but I would say the time is ripe for a new, LAPIDARY FOCUSSED
magazine. I wonder who will start one, either on line or off,
without the glitz, just with honest . . .

Best Regards,

The problem might not be with Lapidary Journal, but with the postal
service. Finally after much stress over torn, wet & muddy issues of
several publications delivered to my home - resorted to spending the
money for a Post Office Box. My mail is now in much better condition
and actually arrives. Less transfer occurs and I’m always having to
mail something and buy stamps.

Hi Shael, Yes, I too had a problem with Lap. J. and called the
telephone number in the magazine and all they could tell me was that I
had to complain to the publisher so I told them that if they couldn’t
get my magazine to me at least about the same time that I can find it
at Borders book store they could cancel my subscription. I haven’t had
a problem since. Good luck! And they wonder why we are such “bitches”

  • you gotta get the job done. Char

Well, everything is ok now, but a year ago I was given a birthday
present of a 2-year subscription to Lapidary Journal. That was
August,1999. First they sent 2 copies to the person who subscribed,
and none to me. After numerous phone calls, they straightened it
out(?) and sent two copies to the subscriber and two copies to me.
After some more phone calls they straightened it out(?) and sent one
copy to the subscriber and one copy to me. Finally, after seven
months they appeared to under-stand that it was one copy for one
person for two years, and not two copies for one or two people for
one year. I still can’t figure out the source of the confusion: poor
data entry? Dim bulb in the subscription department? I love the
magazine, but I shudder to think what will happen at subscription
renewal time. Dee

dakotadog says he has been having trouble with late deliveries of
lapidary journal. my september issue came yesterday, tuesday august

some time ago i was frustrated with a periodical coming long after it
had appeared at the newsstands. i called the publisher and, i think i
remember this correctly, was told that part of the deliver time is
influenced by the post office. with 4th class mail, the post office
has a period of time to get the mail delivered. so, a local post
office could delay delivery. i can imagine that the post office may
postpone 4th class mail because a delivery person is sick, for
example. it is especially frustrating when you are looking forward
to a particular issue! i have taken a passive attitude about the
delay because i have never failed to get an issue, i just get it at
different times.

so when should i get my september issue?

green jean in columbus, ohio, Jean Adkins

I was having problems with a magazine, and their customer service
told me to ask the post office for a form 4314 C. This would allow
them to track the magazine from the time it left their mailing center
to the time it got to my post office, and would see if there were
routing problems, etc. But my magazine started coming in on time the
very next issue, so I didn’t have to try it, so I don’t know if it for real works.

I second Roy’s comments about the biggest deficiency with LJ being
the content. I just got my August copy here in the UK and what a
disappointment! Orchid and are infinitely better,
and cheaper.