Pricing Complex Silver Jewelry as Art

@M_Courtney, you create your own pricing formula, therefore you can assign any values to your work.

These records are strictly for your use, and you must determine if tracking the different values of your work would be worth any associated bookkeeping costs of tracking (extra time?). You must decide if accuracy in valuing your skills for determining your prices will help you achieve your goals.

A variety of solutions have already been suggested for when your pricing exceeds what your market will pay:

increase the perceived value of your work
serve a different market
decrease your remuneration

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Megan Auman, who is a jeweler herself, teaches a course called, Raise Your Perceived Value: Increase Your Prices at CreativeLive ( Just a thought.

This may help: Pricing Your Jewelry

From what I’ve learned so far in 40 years. Over 20K$ is high end jewelry, under 2K$ is low-end… everything in between is a kind of a whatever-you -want -land. Your work is stunning, very neatly done… put some gold and you won’t ever question yourself if it’s worth to put 5 hours on a silver piece. Do a piece a day… say you make 200 per year… how much do you need for living / by the number of pieces and that a kind ball park figure… everything else on top of that would be for your retirement years.