Providence, RI August 14, 2007 The Society of American Silversmiths
(SAS) announces the launch of its interactive job board, the SAS
Career Center (Society of American Silversmiths - Career Center). With its
focus on the metal arts field, the Career Center offers employers and
job seekers an easy-to-use and highly targeted resource for online
employment connections.
SAS accepts resumes and job listings for all positions in the metal
arts field, including: silversmiths; jewelers; designers; teachers;
chasers; spinners; engravers; die makers; model makers; mold makers;
casters; polishers; technicians; and manufacturing, marketing and
sales professionals.
“We’re very excited about the SAS Career Center because we know how
critical it is for employers in the metal arts field to attract
first-rate talent with a minimum expenditure of time and resources,”
said Jeffrey Herman for SAS. “And it’s important for us help enable
smooth career transitions for those seeking jobs in this field.”
Both members and non-members can use the SAS Career Center to reach
qualified candidates. Employers can post jobs online, search for
qualified candidates based on specific job criteria, and create an
online resume agent to e-mail qualified candidates daily. They also
benefit from online reporting that provides job activity statistics.
For job seekers, the SAS Career Center is a free service. In
addition to posting their resumes, job seekers can browse and view
available jobs based on their criteria and save those jobs for later
review if they choose. Job seekers can also create a search agent to
provide e-mail notifications of jobs that match their criteria.
The Society of American Silversmiths is the world’s #1 resource for
anything related to the silversmith’s art and craft. SAS was founded
in April 1989 as the nation’s only professional organization devoted
solely to the preservation and promotion of contemporary
silversmithing. In addition to an outstanding benefits package, all
members have access to the Society’s technical and marketing
expertise through its free consulting service to members. Its Artisan
members, those silversmiths who have been juried into the Society
based on their outstanding technical skill, are provided with
support, networking, and greater access to the market. The SAS
Artisan member archive contains a maker’s mark registry, over 1,400
slides and 400 photographs, and a resume for each Artisan member.
Through SAS, the public has access to a unique referral service that
commissions silver holloware, flatware, and sculpture from its
Artisans. The SAS Web site ( provides
on silversmithing techniques, silver care, restoration,
and conservation, and the aesthetic value of this art form.
Society of American Silversmiths (SAS)
Jeffrey Herman, Founder & Executive Director
PO Box 72839, Providence, RI 02907