Photographing jewelry

very cool! thanks for sharing!



I agree! Lots of good information in this thread! Iā€™ve found taking pictures of jewelry is really fun after you get over the learning curve. Hope everyone feels the same!


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I agree - good information!

Thank you!

My two cents:

You can purchase this product online from Ebay: Lightbox Photek Digital Lighthouse
Try and find one with a set of lights. Amazon probably has it as well. You donā€™t need a big fancy one for jewelry because the small one will shorten the depth of field. You will want to photograph on plain white photo paper. As for the camera, just use your cell phone and purchase this macro lens attachment from RioGrande.

Learning to crop and edit is probably the hardest part. There is also the fotofuze app for whiting out the backgrounds. I highly recommend it.

As for hiring a professional photographer for submission photos: do it. How do you want to spend your time? Making the jewelry or learning how to photograph it professionally?
I have a great photographer in Seattle, WA and Iā€™m happy to share. Let me know.

Ellen Lyons

Seattle, WA State and
El Centenario, B.C.S. MĆ©xico

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Thank you!

Thank you

So im not sure if my photos on my site are any good ( ) if you want to loook, but i got a paint faded board at hobby lobby, a unique rock, ribbon and flowers outside. They look OK, but what do i know. Lol

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Your pictures are nice. They should represent the maker as well as what is made. Some of the browns might show up better with a different background. I am a plain black and white guy, so my pictures are either on a black or white background with nothing else in them but the jewelry. Photographing jewelry is hard, especially all silver jewelry. Once you add some color, my camera at least seems to have a little easier time metering the shot. I like your website too. Good luckā€¦Rob

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I am a terrible photographer but get decent results with a white light box with built-in LEDs and a turntable.


Thank you!