Organizing Orchid posts

On your organizing Orchid dilemma, let me share what I have found to
be both free and also extremely effective (on a PC)…

I get Orchid in a digest mailing and couldn’t figure out an easy way
to save posts I found useful.

There is a free program called “Yankee Clipper” ; it stores
everything you copy to the clipboard in a file. When you want to
paste in any of the things you’ve copied you press “control + alt+ v”
and a list pops up, no matter what program you are in; select the
text you want and it pastes it at your cursor. The url is:

Next, there are two programs, both also free, called “tree pad” and
“treeDBnotes”, both of which are used to store pasted text. It would
be easier to just look at them than for me to describe them. I use
these to organize my clipped text by topic. The urls are: and

This is an extremely powerful and effective and effortless way to
grab interesting posts from Orchid. If you end up using tree pad, let
me know and I will e-mail you my orchid files.

Hope this helps.