Occupational hazard or should I be worried?


Sorry for such a late reply. Something came up that diverted my

I must say how touched I am by the trouble everyone has gone to. In
particular the advice about accupunture, Chi energy and hammering.

I didn’t mention I used to be a drummer, way back when, and due to
being female, and very thin, took great care to get maximum impact
from minimum muscle power. This involved letting the sticks do the
work while I simply lifted them, aimed them to bounce off the skins
while letting them drop by relaxing the wrist at the same time as my
arm. The only force I used was lifting the sticks up again. Anything
else kills the sound as you end up damping the noise you are trying
to create, and you exhaust yourself in the process. This is how I
hammered too. Lift, aim, drop. Well actually it took me a day or two
to remember I already had a low energy technique, but that is how
most of it was done.

As I have done no jewelry making for this past week and have been
busy pouring through data, I would have expected the symptoms to
abate. Instead I have carpal tunnel type tingling in my left hand. I
don’t think making jewelry is to blame.

When I go upstairs I do so like a monkey! Using my balled fists on
the steps to take a lot of weight. My knees went a year ago, that’s
why. My suspicions are now turning towards this as the cause.

Thank you once again for your great kindness. I was not expecting so
much help! I shall hang around and read and learn now, so don’t
expect to hear much from me for a while.


Great advice- new studies indicate that long term use of tylenol
(acetominephen) and Advil (Ibufrofen) are related to hearing loss.
You can look up the description and status of the studies by
Googling “hearing loss and tylelnol and ibuprofen.”

Elegant insects jewelry.

I have no hearing left. Doing silversmithing for years is what
destroyed what little hearing I had. At this point, I’m not going to
worry about tylenol or Advil for it can’t destroy any more hearing.
I don’t take them much, but when I ache too much, you betcha I reach
for it a few times a month. As I get old and creaky, I will be
hitting the Tylenol a lot more. Joy