New setting classes!

Dear all…on Orchid… in the Toronto area! In the “Greater Toronto
Area” at George Brown College this week, September 20th a very ‘new’
revised-updated “Basic Setting Course # 101” is being offered. It
will run every Thursday evening for 20 weeks, three hours per night.

As I am the new teacher, I will be giving lectures, seminars,
hands-on demonstrations, and just looking to help the beginner, just
like yourselves. The only requirement is that you have the desire to
learn, (don’t we all?). I will genuinely remove the mystic from the
unknown of stone setting. This course will not only be for genuine
stones, but also for diamond setting .

What am I to teach? “Setting Stones in Wax”, bezel setting,
sharpening of gravers, correct tool selection, maintenance of your
tools, bead raising, center stone 4 claw settings, channel settings,
flush (“gypsy”) settings. I will make this course a real interesting

All through this teaching period, I will endeavor to make sure that
the students understand and can ask any questions at any time. I
will, from my own experiences let them know through my very own
web-site just how certain setting maneuvers are accomplished.

If you wish to contact me at @Gerald initially, I will then
refer you to the head liaison at this community college. Gerry, the