Artist: Aaron Willoughby
Orchid Gallery: Jewelry Gallery - Ganoksin Orchid Jewelry Forum Community for Jewelers and Metalsmiths
I am fortunate to live in San Diego, California, where I spend much
of my time outdoors. I particularly love our beaches and the ocean,
where I can immerse all my senses in the elemental energies I find
there. In many of my pieces, I interpret natural and manmade forms
and forces, seeking to use form, shape, texture and motion to
translate sensory details into tangible art.
All my life, I have felt inspired to create art. Starting when I was
five in my grandmothers pottery studio and continuing throughout my
life in many other medium. A few years ago, I became attracted to
the making of jewelry. The media used in jewelry (not limited to
metal) and the requirements they impose on the creative process
intrigue and challenge me, and inspire me to express my sensory
impressions as artistic expressions. One of my greatest
satisfactions is the experience of seeing others wearing my art as
they, too, explore the elements in a natural environment.