[New Gallery] Cynthia Clearwater

Artist: Cynthia Clearwater
Orchid Gallery: http://www.ganoksin.com/orchid/clearwater.htm

In my work there is an overarching theme of elegant lineand simple
geometry. I take my inspiration from my materials and this creates
an eclectic body of work. I prefer to follow tangents, to discover
new problems to solve, to play with materials and techniques rather
than to create variations of the same piece. Each piece of jewelry
is unique. I have more design ideas than time to execute them so I
keep my passion strong by exercising my creativity. I cannot wait to
get to my studio every morning to begin the process of transforming
sheets of metal and loose gemstones into wearable art. I am thrilled
that my art is walking around in this world, framing the faces and
adorning the hands of those who value artistic vision and the skill
it takes to make an idea into a physical object.