I’m looking for nice rough for faceting. Recently, I received the New Era
Gems 1996 catalogue. There is a lot of nice pictures of rough in it and the
price seems to be fair.
Has anyone ever bought something from New Era Gems ? If so,was your
purchase (rough for faceting) of good quality and worthwhile ?
I’m looking for nice rough for faceting. Recently, I received the New Era
Gems 1996 catalogue. There is a lot of nice pictures of rough in it and the
price seems to be fair.
Has anyone ever bought something from New Era Gems ? If so,was your
purchase (rough for faceting) of good quality and worthwhile ?
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I have done business with new era. I have purchased faceting rough from them twice. Once at a gem show and once by mail. The best way was
at the show where I could pick and choose and bargain for a more
reasonable price due to other dealers. I will never deal with them by
mail again, once was enough. They sent the material by parcels and you
had to take the parcel or leave it, and they were inferior to what I had
seen at the show. Disappointing.
We cut NEG rough for years. the owner Steve is an experienced cutter
and yes, he know his stuff. I know that you can return rough to NEG
with in a reasonable period of time if it is UNTOUCHED. that means
that if you order by mail, then you can return the goods , in case
you dont like it. the best is to email NEG direct at neweragems@aol.com
and ask John for thier terms. in all those years we never returned
rough to NEG in its original form., and we allways got a fair deal.
I’m looking for nice rough for faceting. Recently, I received the New Era
Gems 1996 catalogue. There is a lot of nice pictures of rough in it and the
price seems to be fair.
Has anyone ever bought something from New Era Gems ? If so,was your
purchase (rough for faceting) of good quality and worthwhile ?
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I know New Era very well.They are good and honest people.Ruthless buyers,with
very high standards of quality.
I know another guy who after 25 years of unadvertised wholesaling is
trying to build a mail order computer based rough business.Try him too.You
can see some of his wares at http://www.LICCINI.com
Gemstone Rough Dealers since 1970
E-Mail: @Mark_Liccini1 http://www.LICCINI.com
Voice Mail/Fax: 201-795-1115
Mail Mail Drop
224 7th St#2B 72 Van Reipen Ave#166
Jersey City,N.J.07302 Jersey City,N.J.07306
I certainly can comment on " know another guy who after 25 years of
unadvertised wholesaling is trying to build a mail order computer based
rough business." Have done much bussiness with Mr. Liccini and can only
say… supplies what he say’s, at good quality and good prices…If he
tells you it is hammered or clipped clean… he means clean…Some of
the best material I have ever purchaced, has come from him…
Just my sharing my two cents…
Thanks and best Wishes
Gemstone Brockerage Associates Ltd. Telephone (518) 438-5487
P.O. Box 8930
Albany, New York 12208
INTERNET ADDRESS Http://www.bizpro.com/gba Http://www.polygon.net/~3576
Email adresses 3576@polygon.net( emailing at this address please include email add.) @j.lanese gba@bizpro.com