New Durston Olivia Rolling Mill

I’m wondering what peoples thoughts are on the new Durston 50:1 rolling mill ? It seems like a godsend for those who dont have the strength for the 5:1 or 1:1 mills. For most of what I do, I would rather muscle through, however pattern plates really take a lot of effort as does turning a longer piece sideways to widen it. Sometimes I step roll a ring shank from inside to outside (lengthwise) and use the resistance to let me know when to stop, I wonder how detectable that would be on a 50:1 mill ?

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I have a genetic defect that makes all of my joints very loose/unstable and causes accelerated arthritis. This new mill seems like it is designed exactly for disabled artists like me- the fact that it can be operated sitting down is huge too! I was so excited until I saw the price. Hopefully someday it will be as accessible financially as it is physically.