Name That Stone (Tiffany Stone)

    All,  I recently saw a cut stone on a site that was called
Bertionite, aka Tiffany Stone.  I have some of that material and
have cut a number of stones but was always under the impression that
it was a massive opal material from some deep mines in Utah. 

Couldn’t find it in the GIA Gem Reference Guide, and it wasn’t on a
couple of old misnomer lists, nor in Sinkankas’ Gemstones of North
America, so maybe bertionite is a local name. I did come up with a
few related images:

Jackie Lapin has some spheres of what’s called ‘ice cream opalite or
Tiffany Stone’ from Utah at her site.

One metaphysical site calls it ‘opalized fluorite’ and there’s a photo
with that name on an old eBay auction

Checking the Utah Geological Survey site with Slides of the
Fluorspar, Beryllium, and Uranium Deposits at the Spor Mountain,
Utah, found a slide of fluorite encrusted opal: | Science for a changing world.

Don’t know if it’s the same as your material, but I had an interestng
time looking for it! Carol

Carol J. Bova

Hi All,

Based on Carol’s references that is the same stone I have. I
purchased a small slab last year at a local gem and mineral show. The
vendor was from Utah and called it “opalite”. That show is coming up
again in two weeks and I hope he will be back because I lost his

If he is there, I will get more info about the stone and report back.
I also could not find any on it previously, thus the
inaccurate description on my web page
Opalite - Fact, Myth and Folk Lore. The picture of the slab is
pretty accurate, although a little dark, for the stone I have.

Nancy - in still wonderfully cool southeast Texas
along the Gulf Coast, USA

Looks like ( Charite from Russia ) sorta pricey to. Nancy you can
most likely get some from ( Jeanie rock shop in Houston ).

Bill D.

Original MessageFrom: Nancy Bernardine-Widmer
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Orchid] Name That Stone (Tiffany Stone)

Hi All,

Based on Carol's references that is the same stone I have.  I
purchased a small slab last year at a local gem and mineral show.  The
vendor was from Utah and called it "opalite".   That show is coming up
again in two weeks and I hope he will be back because I lost his
If he is there, I will get more info about the stone and report back.
I also could not find any on it previously, thus the
inaccurate description on my web page    The picture of the slab is
pretty accurate, although a little dark, for the stone I have.

Nancy - in still wonderfully cool southeast Texas
along the Gulf Coast, USA

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