Hi Paul,
The ModelMaster is essentially a metal case with a UV-lamp and
switch; you put the material to be exposed on a glass-covered plateau
with your ‘negative’ face down on it. If you tan yourself with UV
lamps: those will do perfectly well for the purpose. The UV-sensitive
material used is a photopolymer. This material is very extensively
used in the printing industry, which is where you may be able to get
large quantities at low prices. I use Miraclon sheets, thickness
(including metal back) 0.78 mm (divide by 2.54 to convert to inches),
when washed out maximum depth of polymer 0.6 mm. The minimum line
thickness thickness that I can reproduce reproducibly in photopolymer
when washing it out completely is 0.15 mm; you have to expose
sufficiently long and not wash out overly long for thin lines,
otherwise you may wash out part of the top of the line. If you want a
description of some of the ins and outs, take a look at this site:
404 De pagina is niet gevonden and click on the Union Jack for the
English text.
Good luck, Philip Quanjer
I own a company in the Seattle, WA. area called JewelTech and I have
two of the Model Master Mills. One is set up with a fourth axis for
doing ring work. They work very well. Keep in mind though, that it
is the software that does the initial work. ArtCAM Pro is the
program that comes with the mill and with in it, there is a Celtic
Knot portion that works very well. The software alone runs $7000. I
would highly recomend them and there products. I have been using the
program and there mills for about 2 1/2 years now and am very happy
with them. Keep in mind, there are people like me out there acting
as Service Bureaus that can make your waxes for you if you don’t want
the initial outlay of around $24,000. I also have a Sanders Model
Maker II for doing full 3-D designs. Celtic knots can also be done
on this, but again, it is the software where the design is created.
Hope this helps. If you need to get a hold of me off line, I can be
reached at 425-888-5144 or 888-275-7193. If no answer leave a
message and I’ll call you back.
Hi Phillip
That article about polimer curing and its complementary relation
with delft clay casting for cloisogne is fantastic I’ve been reading
it over and over again and since I do not have a printer I have no
choice but memorise it . there is one thing that particularly called
my atention cause I have seen it before , The UV curing process of the
polimer sheet for mold making. I had a friend who use to make the
same .but for rubber stamps. Even when the article explain how to make
your own UV fixture and the box I wasn’t able to assimilate and figure
out how it is, specialy the copper box wich doesn’t look like a box .
Can you please give me a more detailed explanation of how to make this
UV box.
Thank you in advance.