Mixing colores resin

I just purchased the full set of Colores colors. I am wondering if
it is possible to mix colors, that is, create a blue-green using a
blue and a green together.

Thanks, Karen

Dear Karen,

Absolutely, you can mix any of the resins with no problem at all -
just like water colors. After achieving the desired color follow the
proper mixing instructions for the hardener.


Thackeray Taylor
Rio Grande Technical Support
505-839-3000 ex13903

I am wondering if it is possible to mix colors, that is, create a
blue-green using a blue and a green together 

Karen - Absolutely!! The Colores resins mix very well together, just
keep in mind that you want to keep good notes on your measurement
proportions so that you can replicate the colors you like after you
are finished experimenting.

BBR - Sandi Graves
Stormcloud Trading Co (Beadstorm)
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Karen, I have used Durenamel resin on many pieces, and the folks at
Rio Grande say that Colores colors work in the same way (it’s just
the hardener that’s different). Based on that, you should be able to
mix every desirable color from red, yellow, blue, white, and black.
For a few Durenamel pieces I’ve done, this has been the fun part!
Just remember your color theory, and good luck :slight_smile:

Jessee Smith
Cincinnati, Ohio