Hello Orchidians! I am pleased to announce that as of today,
Metalwerx has moved into our new home in Waltham, MA. We have some
special events that are listed on our website. If you are planning
a trip to the Boston area, please give me a call and I will be
thrilled to show you around our new school.
If you have signed onto our mailing list, our brochures are in the
mail now. Our class and workshop list is completely up to date, so
take a look at our fall and winter offerings.
This is our third (and hopefully last!) move in five years. In
July, Metalwerx turned five years old. As I blew out candles on our
birthday last year, I am pleased to report that my wish came true.
Thanks to you all for your support, encouragement, emails,
handshakes and hugs. Orchid and Ganoksin has become as much of life
as Metalwerx.
My last thanks goes to Hanuman for working late into the night and
through 15 hour days during the weekends to make sure that we all
keep communicating. If you haven’t said thanks lately, please send
him a note. I would also like to thank Charles Lewton Brain, whom I
have become good friends and who also is invaluable in Ganoksin’s
growth and future.
In the months to come, I will be telling you more about the
Metalwerx Education Scholarship Inc., the non-profit arm of
Metalwerx. Keep watching!
Karen Christians
50 Guinan St.
Waltham, MA 02451
Ph: 781/891-3854
Fx: 781/891-3857
email: @Karen_Christians
Board Member of SNAG