Hi, I have tried and tried and tried to weave metal, wire, and a
combo of both. I have tried using foil and also sheet metal. The
results are always pathetic so I must be doing “something” wrong,
either in the prep or choice of the materials or my technique. The
weaving is uneven and there are always spaces in the wrong places! I
have weaving eperience with other materials, and have read both of
Arline Fisch’s books. So my next step is to look for a metal weaving
teacher who would agree to a distance learning session to clear up my
issues, either via Skype or email (or other). I have seen some woven
pieces here in Israel but they too do not look very professional. And
also, I would need some discussion about finishing techniques. I can
pay via credit card or PayPal. Interested persons are warmly invited
to contact me off-list.
I have tried and tried and tried to weave metal, wire, and a combo
of both. I have tried using foil and also sheet metal. The results
are always *pathetic* so I must be doing "something" wrong, either
in the prep or choice of the materials or my technique.
I don’t do weaving, as such, but what I’ve found in working with
wire and making it do what fiber does, you don’t really get a second
chance with it – you have to get it into its final location right
away instead of hoping to move it later, unlike thread or string
that you can tighten and loosen as needed.
As I build up the knots that I tie, I go back and visit every
strand, every pass, to make sure it’s right. I start with soft wire,
and I try to keep it that way. I seldom have to re-anneal it, with my
techniques, but I’m not afraid to if it becomes necessary.
Before you go spending your hard earnd money on distance learning,
can you post some pictures of.
what your trying to copy? or achieve?
what your efforts have produced?
the dimensions of the metal, its anealed state, lengths and
Trouble shooting, and or engineering consultancy is one of my current
occupations, theres a buzz in finding solutions to problems. I get
paid very well for this work, but here your most probably get all the
help you need for free. your problems cant be that difficult to
solve. Show us some pictures first here on this mailing list. Await
them with interest.
I don’t usually reply because I’m a novice, but I know of a teacher
that made a DVD. I don’t know if I’m allowed to post that
So please e-mail me directly and I will share the info…
There is a woman in Massachusetts, USA who is an excellent teacher
and an experienced designer and wire artist. Her name is Munya
Avigail Upin. I will send you her personal contact off
line. I’ve taken a three day workshop with her and she is super.
Hi, First, thank you to all who replied both on and off list. I
apologize for not being clearer. I would like to weave in the fashion
of Stuart Golder or Susan Onstad. I realize that I will probably need
a tabletop loom so it might help if the person has knowledge of this
too. I have tried contacting Ms. Upin by Facebook but got no reply.
Perhaps I shall try contact via Metalwerx next week.Thanx again very
much and keep shining, Devora