Matte and a Super Shiny Finish

I don’t know where you are located, but the Art Store and Aaron
Bros. in the Los Angele area carry air erasors; so does Flax in
Westwood, Ca.

I don't know where you are located, but the Art Store and
Aaron Bros. in the Los Angele area carry air erasors; so does
Flax in Westwood, Ca. don't know if same FLAX {art & design}
but their  e-mail:; 800-flax-123; website
[with specials!]

They have lots of cool and fun as well as some useful stuff -
tho I wouldn’t say they’re inexpensive but their merch does seem
to be quality. HTH, Kat

   Another question about sandblasting?  Is this the last step
to do?  I have found that after I do it, if I have to go back
and polish part of the piece, that I cannot remove any
polishing residue from the sandblasted area!  It hangs onto the
rough finish. Also, the snadblasted area looks nice and sparkly
(I'm using snad, not glass beads) for awhile, then it seems to
fade to flat grey.  Any suggestions?  

hi, what is ‘snad’? i guess you mean sand. sandblasting does look
better than bead blasting when you first do it, but the sand
opens up the metal and will collect grease and dirt in the
pores. i’ve found a sort of compromise. first i sandblast, then
i bead blast, which compacts the surface. this seems to be a
little faster than starting with the bead blast and gives a more
consistent texture.

best regards,

geo fox

George, Actually, “snad” is the British spelling for “sand.” It
is also a good initial medium for “auntlers.”


George, Actually, “snad” is the British spelling for “sand.” It
is also a good initial medium for “auntlers.”


Ruth I just had to reply. Sorry to be away from forum so long had
a hardware meltdown and the bank was a long timne in thawing it
out. re finance that is.

I would like to suggest that snad and auntlers are in the same
manual I hav where there is an explanation about diamond magnets
and long weights.

Glad to be back have about 900 letters to read and or reply to