As there has been some discussion about the title of a master
craftsman, I'd like to give you a *short* description of what it
is about here in Germany.
Thanks for the description Markus, I always wondered. Is it
somewhat the same in other European countries?
Jeffrey Everett
Is it somewhat the same in other European countries?
Hi Jeffrey,
I have to admit that I don’t know exactly. But as the system is
more or less a relic of the middle ages, I could imagine.
Perhaps some other subscriber to the list knows. Middle ages,
yes, you know, it was a means of subdueing competition: In some
towns one could only become a master if he and his parents and
grandparents were born there, his father was a master in the
particular trade, another master died without a son to continue,
or he married a master’s widow. Sometimes you get the impression
that a little bit of that is still working today. Just a joke
Sometimes you get the impression
that a little bit of that is still working today. Just a joke
Markus, seriously, I believe that is the case. Old traditions
die hard. The US has few native traditions, and they would
include… hanging out at the mall, slurpies, baseball (been very
very good to me), watching the weather channel, lost wax casting,
and Thanksgiving… (there’s probably more but I tried to think
and nuttin’ happened…)