Lost dust [Was One-of -a- kind]

Lost metal dust . . . H m mm m, I save (or at least try to) all
the dust, filings, from the silver I work with.  I  end up
soldering this material onto my pieces to produce a texture.  It
ends up looking pretty good!  And it makes me feel like I've not
swept away a bunch of bucks by throwing it into the trash can.

This seems a good place to start a new thread. Lost metal dust
or production shrinkage. do you have a trap on your sink. do you
throw everything that could possibly have metal dust into one
container to go o the refiner? if not you are letting money go
down the drain. I work on a piece of industrial carpet that i
send to the refinery evry 3-5 yrs depending on wear. I get back
1-2 oz gold after refining cost. I keep a trap on the sink that
also catches dust as well as stones.another good source of lost
metal. I still have to discover a way to wash my clothes and
recover the gold that is in them. Facial hair and that on the
top of you head (for those of us so lucky to still have some) is
another source ofdust. comb it befor you leave the bench. gold is
in everything and i even recycle old benches that a to beat up to
use anymore. The best tale is one about a store that gave their
jeweler the 50 gal drum of buffs and paper and saw blades etc.
that had been building up over the years. they gave it to her as
a wedding present. $10,000.00 later she was a very happy jeweler
and the stor was in shock. where do i go to work???
