I have just acquired a “Rey” “Vac-U-Cast” vacuum casting machine
(Model 5080) (120 volt). Unfortunatly an instruction manual did not
come with it, and I have never used a machine of this sort before. I
imagine it is fairly straightforward since they seem to be rather
common. Is anyone familiar with this machine? Anyone willing to send
me a copy of the manual? I’d be happy to reimburse for any expenses,
and I’d appreciate any help.
one thing i can add when using the vacume pump be sure to let the
vacume return to near normal before turning off the pump, or the
vacume in the bell or casting chamber, will draw the oil in your pump
into the bell jar or casting chamber, creating a very messy cituation
not to mention a dangerous one while casting.
Robert L. Martin
If you send me a large self-addressed-stamped-envelope, I will be
glad to send a copy of the Vac-U-Cast machine manual. Since there
were five versions of this machine, describe yours a little so I can
send you the correct manual. The manual very briefly describes the
use and maintenance of the machine.
John Cranor
The Jewelry Equipment Dr.
4830 Newstead Pl.
Colorado Springs, CO, 80906