[Looking4] [UK] Large silver jewellery manutacturers

Rhonda, you might want to subscribe to the Benchpeg newsletter at
Benchpeg. com - it’s a UK trade publication that goes out weekly by
email, and usually has some good positions. You’ll find that most
people willing to pay for your skills will be based in London
(whether that is good or bad is a matter of personal opinion).

Do be aware, though, that the decline in hand skills in Britain
means that many jewellery designers rely entirely on CAD/CAM to
create patterns. But if you can find the right people, I’m sure your
work will be highly valued.

There are plenty of UK jewellery professionals on LinkedIn, so you
might want to create a CV/profile on there.

Hi Jamie,

Thank you for your tips. I found Benchpeg recently and it is such a
great website. I am fine with London so hopefully I will have some
luck finding a suitable company to work for. Good idea on joining up
to LinkedIn. I will do that. I have seen the site before but never
thought of joining up to it.

Thanks again for your help. Most appreciated!