Does anyone have recommendations for learning in Switzerland or
France? Jewelry suppliers??
here is a link you can follow for a French school in Paris: You can also search on google (enter:
“ecole privee de bijouterie”) you’ll find some other prived school
of various reputation… My first advice would be that you’ve to
learn French, because none of them don’t speak any english! (well I’m
not fair almost none of them…). My second: keep your wallet wide
open… It’s expensive and much more if you take into account the
appartment rental and regular expenses to live there… An other
idea is to go in Belgian school:
If you’re more “creation” oriented, choose this one
It’s in the heart of Antwerp, very active in the the fashion world
BUT it’s the Dutch language you’ll have to learn there… But was it
in French, Dutch or even German language, Belgian are nice people and
they will help you as much as they can ( Yes you’re right… I’m
Belgian :-))
In my opinion the best jewelry schools you could find in Europe are
located in Germany, look for “Pforzheim goldschmied” also on
Google… Or follow this link I’m sure they will help you to find
what you’re looking for:
It’s a (very) long cursus, but when you get out of that school the
world is yours!
Sorry for Switzerland, I know nothing over there but here are some
links to school:
I hope this will help, fell free to ask if you need more infos, it’ll
be a pleasure