Looking for used Abstracta or similar display cases

Hello, all. Does anyone have (or know anyone who has) some used
Abstracta type products and/or lighting for sale? I plan on doing
some indoor craft shows but I don’t know if they will be the right
venue for me and don’t want to make a huge expenditure if I don’t
have to. Please let me know if you’re interested in clearing out
those pesky pipes. Thanks in advance.

Diane Almeyda

I have an extensive set of Abstracta that I would sell. It is the
chrome style. I don’t know what shape it is in since it is currently
stored in my garage in Rhode Island and I now live in Wisconsin.
Probably has some rust. Let me know if you want more details.

Don Friedlich

Hi Diane, I just saw two ad’s for used Abstracta for sale in the most
current Crafts Report. They were in the back classified section.
Sorry I dont have more details, if you dont get C.R. email me off list
and I will hunt the contacts down for you.
