[Looking for] Pine rosin

you can purchase pine rosin from any horse or tack store that carries
rodeo equipment . Rosin is what the cowboys use to help keep their
hand in the bull rope.

Thanks for all the tips, people. I’ve just mad the most wonderful
scuplture wax from equal parts of bees wax, pine rosin, paraffin:

I found a small babyfood tin and melted beeswax into it, poured it
out into a tuna tin = 110 deg C. Melted pariffin in block form into
the same babyfood tin = 115 deg C. Melted the pine rosin carefully
(nice smell) in a saucepan and poured it into the babyfood tin to get
the same measurement = about 115 deg C and rising. Poured the rosin
back into the saucepan and added the molten paraffin, and the molten
wax. Mixed and poured onto a baking tray lined with aluminium foil.

It’s beautiful to work, pulls like toffee, and sets with ice cold
water to quite a hard wax.

I’m going to use it in a class for creative investment casting, using
really tiny flasks, a short burnout, and both steam and sling machine


B r i a n � A d a m
w o r k s h o p s 2 0 0 1
www.adam.co.nz/workshops summer in Canada/USA

Brian, I’d like to see some photos of the tiny flasks and sling
casting. Are you really going to let people do the slinging? What
about insurance? Sling casting has always sounded really scary to me.

Marilyn Smith