[Looking for] Pewter worker

Hi Friends! I have a client (not the same one as my last message)
looking for someone who works in pewter, or has access to a product
line of pewter items. Specifically, she is looking for a salt and
pepper set to match the style of the chandelier in her new home, but
would probably buy more if it was available. She’s going for a kind
of rustic grey hand hewn look, not the “if I had more money I would
have bought silver” look.

Please email me directly and I’ll give her the Please
include a phone number, too, if you’re interested.

Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio and
Carolina Artisans’ Gallery
Charlotte, NC (USA)

Dave, there is a pewtersmith(?) over in Dillsboro, NC. They are
members of the Southern Hilands Guild. They may be able to help. If
I can turn up a name, I’ll get it to you ASAP.

No connections, just know they are there.

Hi Dave, There is a company out on the east coast of Canada called
Seagull. They manufacture a beautiful line of pewter products. You
might want to check them out. I found their products available at
http://www.avmsales.on.ca/products/seagullpewter.html. or
http://www.canadianmoose.com/seagullpewter/ It may not be custom
work, but you may be able to find something your client would like.

Best Regards,
Dave Nitschke