Looking for Nickel-Free White Gold Solder

Does anyone have a lead on nickel free white gold solder?

We normally order from Stuller and Ross Metals and both contain nickel.

You might try Hoover and Strong ~ They have a 14k and 18K Pall white hard solder.

Every material for sale including solder is supposed to have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Rio Grande is really good about listing SDS with all of their products on their website. I’m not finding that to be true at all other companies. The SDS lists all of the materials in the product. It’s very handy info when doing research like this.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know all white gold in Europe is required to be nickel free. That means there must be nickel free white gold solder in Europe right? Can any of our European members recommend a source for nickel free white gold solder?



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