Looking for a Pearl

Hi Folks -
I’m in the market to buy a pearl, one with some shape, color and
interest to it - not a perfect round one. I’m going to set it along side
of an enameled piece in a pendant that will be pear-shaped and no more
than and inch and a half. (How and what exactly will depend on the pearl,
as I plan to work around it.).
If any of you have contacts with someone who can help me, I would
appreciate it. I’d also like some ideas on what I should expect to pay
for this.
This piece is for a sister who is approaching her cancer-free for
one year date (the pearl is her birthstone), so it will be special !

Thanks in advance
Laura Wiesler
Towson, Md. (Hot and Humid east coast style!!)


Have you thought about using an American River pearl?
Definitely interesting, with color and shape, and reasonably
priced…I don’t have the contact info in front of me right now,
but it’s something that comes to mind based on your requirements…

(temporarily in San Francisco, cloudy and windy)